
Sunday, 21 September 2014

The Double-Edged Sword

I had decided this was going to be my last post.  I gave myself time to reflect and whilst my mind was saying one thing my heart was telling me another.  So what if we are all busy bouncing between family, real life and the evergrowing expanse of social networking?  Never mind if this small space of mine is attracting less comments than before.  When it comes to the crunch I cannot forget the valuable connection made with precious souls through this blog and theirs.  Wonderful, inspring ladies have expressed my mixed feelings so much more eloquently than I could, both here and here.  I will, for the time being, stay here with gratitude for the friendships and inspiration offered to me in these past three years.
September has been glorious; continuous mellow, dusty heat with ripening apples, pears and grapes.  It has also been hard.  A precious member of my family was unexpectedly taken ill two weeks ago causing us all to scurry hither and thither, drawing ever closer in love.  I've been left with feelings of gratitude for my parents and siblings, again, but fear of inevitable, impending mortality too.  And that is why, perhaps, this September I have finally put my finger on my usual reticence to embrace autumn.  As the meadows and countryside change colour around us we find the shimmery hues of autumn leaves thrilling.  But in a sense they dupe us for they signal death and disintegration.  In time they will become fragile and return to dust.   Leaves sublime from one beautiful state to another - much as some religions tell us we will - and as they lose their green life they bloom with urgent colours.  "Carpe Diem', they seem to whisper.  This early autumn I hear their message loud and clear.  Life is precious and I intend to honour its beauty in my humble, happy manner.
I leave you with a palette of greens, yellows and plums.  Happy autumn friends!  Because, despite my sombre words, it really is a precious season.

 Featured above:
Alaria Shawl knit with divine Skein yarn Merino Cashmere Fingering in Sunspot.  My Ravelry notes are here.
Mademoiselle Apple And BlackBerry Crumble who is off to start a new life in Australia.
Mickäel and I are off to Marrakech next weekend for a short stay.  I hope to return with a few pictures to share with you all.
Warmest wishes to you all.
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